Wednesday, January 21, 2015

You Can't Be Superwoman

I wrote this exactly one year ago (tomorrow), but never posted it.  I am still struggling with sharing my writing because they are intimate and don't like the feeling of being judged for what my heart feels.  Anyway.

We live in a society where women who are perceived as anything less than “Superwoman” is considered, well, exactly that…less than.  We have this notion in our head that as women, our value lies in how much is piled on to our plate -- how many social gatherings we are invited to and attend, how many circles of friends we stay active in, how many hours we spend at a job, how much time we spend maintaining a home and/or family, how organized our Pinterest boards are, and how many Pinterest crafts/recipes we attempt and successfully complete, all while looking put together (aka yoga pants don’t count as real clothes). 

We live for the Superwoman compliments.  How often do we feel validated when, as women, someone comments on our life with praise such as “you’re like Superwoman” or “how do you have time for all that?” or “omg you’re so busy”.  We find validation in “busy”.  We find purpose in doing a lot of things.  Somehow, quality has taken a backseat to quantity, and we thrive on adding one more to our to-do list and checking them off rather than on ensuring that we complete each task with conscientious care. 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Best Friend

Paul and I were at a wedding this past weekend.  It was a spectacular wedding that celebrated the love of two people that I can honestly say are perfect together.  They are not perfect people, but they are perfect as a couple, and I love the way they love each other.

We were sitting at our table for dinner, and an old friend of mine who had never met Paul before asked us about how we met.  He responded with one of the sweetest things I've ever heard him say.  He looked at me, then turned to my friend and said, "Christine is the first girl that's ever been my best friend."

I want to remember that very sweet moment forever, and writing it down is a sure-fire way to do so.

His love is loyal, forgiving, fierce, and unconditional.  I am blessed.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


A lot to feel grateful for lately (in list form to avoid any potential melodrama):

  • I found a new apartment....right next door to one of my best friends.  I've always lived with a roommate, so this will be my first time completely on my own.  I am looking forward to peace and quiet, and doing things on my own terms at all times.  However, should I get even a tad lonely or bored, Rachel is next door!
  • Yesterday was National Teacher Appreciation Day.  I feel blessed to have had some of the most amazing human beings as my teachers, all of whom took an active role in nurturing me, shaping me, and empowering me to be whoever I want and all that I can.  I am also lucky to be surrounded by fellow teacher friends who commit their day, every day, to ensuring that the next generation makes this world a better place than when they entered it.  I am thankful to be in such company.  The responsibility is great, but my desire is greater.
  • This weekend we'll be celebrating CADC's 20 year anniversary.  In a community where new teams pop up like pimples on a teenager's face, I am proud to have been part of an organization where history, tradition, and longevity are among our best qualities.
  • Much. Needed. Date. Night. On. Thursday.
  • Mike D'Antoni resigned as the Lakers coach.  Now if there was only some way to negate Phil Jackson's deal with the Knicks and bring him back to LA...
  • Last, but certainly not least... While I won't get into the details, my sister recently (as in 2 days ago) found our long-lost cousins whom we haven't seen or had contact with in over 15 years.  The last we knew, they moved to the East Coast with their mom (their dad is our dad's brother), and communication was cut off.  Through fate's diligence and God's work, we found them.  I know that it'll be a slow transition to (hopefully) rebuilding a relationship with them, but I am hopeful and trust in the idea that we were brought together again for a purpose.  
Oh, happy day, my friends.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Student Stories

I was teaching a lesson on figurative language and poetic devices.  Every time I teach a poetry unit of any sort, I always use music because that's what kids know without realizing music is chock full of poetic elements.  As an assignment, students were assigned to go home, listen to their own music, and find lyrics that contain figurative language of some sort.  I told them that while I am very well aware that most songs these days have some type of inappropriate reference or language, that the portion of the lyrics turned in as their work must be clean of such things.

I then made the mistake of saying, "I know what music is like...I probably listen to a lot of the same music as you guys."

Laughter erupted.

Either I'm starting to look really old, or being a teacher automatically makes me an alien that doesn't do or like "normal" human things...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thank You

8 letters.  2 words.  Within them, so much meaning.

"Thank You" can evoke powerful emotion within its two syllables, and yet, it sometimes just don't seem quite enough.  From acts as small as a stranger holding the door open for you, to those of great valor like all those who serve in our military...regardless of the type of act that warrants gratitude, we still use the same two words.

I will say one thing, though.  As a teacher, there are few greater moments in life than when a student says thank you..  Even better when that thank you is followed up with, "I really needed help on that, now I get it".  Oh, be still my heart!  Small moments.  Big picture.  Two small words.  One giant feeling of happiness.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Love Is All Around

I apologize for the lack of a more witty blog post title.  I'm not even sure who I'm apologizing to since nobody reads this but me at the moment.  Anyhow.  I'm stealing from the movie "Love, Actually" because my brain's creative light has been dimmed down for the evening.

The school I now work at serves a very different demographic of students than my previous school.  While I've worked with students who come from various backgrounds, this is my first time working with students  where the majority of them have endured great trauma and tragedy in their short lives.  This baggage is a part of who they are and they carry it with them into school every day.  While this may seem as a challenge (and you're right, it is), it is also an incredible opportunity disguised by layers of unfortunate circumstances, lack of a foundation, and hardship.  As their teachers, we have the meticulous job of peeling each layer and carefully revealing the real student underneath.  The student who maybe has never had a positive role model, the student who maybe has never had a permanent place to call "home", the student who has been taught to keep people out rather than allow them in, the student who has always been made aware of every wrong-doing in his life, but not the good, the student who has been told that there wasn't much hope for them -- underneath the tough exterior, they are young, sensitive, and craving for structure and positive attention.  What a special job we have.

In my short time at this school, I have already encountered situations and students that I would have never experienced at my previous school.  In just observing them, these students have already taught me so much.  I thought I was in tune with my surroundings and what was going on in my communities, but I have learned that I live in somewhat of a bubble.  If I had been through what some of these kids have at their age, I'm not sure that school would have been a high priority in my life either.  The sheer fact that they wake up every day and get to school is an achievement in and of itself, and for the ones who don't quite make it every single day...well, we're working on it.

I don't use this term loosely because I feel like society abuses it with overuse, but they really truly are inspiring.  One of our seniors is 17 years old, has a 2 year old baby, and takes 2 public buses to get to school.  She hasn't missed a day all year and will be graduating this May.  She's been accepted to CSULB, where she will be attending in the Fall.  Her attitude is empowering and makes me take a step back and evaluate my own attitude about life's short comings.  She refuses to be a victim of circumstance, and I surely can take a thing or two away from her example.

So the title of this blog post...I guess what I really should say is that Inspiration is all around.  We often look for the easy-to-spot kids who have tangible forms of achievement, and we label them as inspirational.  Granted, those kids who have worked hard for their GPAs, awards, and scholarships all deserve their recognition as well, but we cannot forget about the ones who seem more reluctant or hostile...the "at-risk" kids that schools often try to bury underneath all their success by numbers.  These kids also have so much to share, and they often come paired with an incredible story, and an openness that just needs a little TLC.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

First Page, Next Chapter

It finally happened. 

I have a full time teaching position!  Without delving into old wounds and making this happy occasion a reminder of some very low places I went to within myself, I will say that I feel as though a big burden has been lifted from me.  It was an extend-my-arms-to-the-heavens-and-declare-"Hallelujah!"-moment.  I may or may not have done a happy jig by myself in the car when Pharrell's "Happy" came on the radio moments after getting the call.  Coincidence?  I think not.

I know the challenge is only beginning, and there will be many a gray hair-inducing days ahead of me.  And while the inevitable nerves have already started churning in my stomach, there is also a ferociously burning fire in my soul.  I pray that I can be the effective teacher I imagine myself to be.

With that said, I have come across so many amazing teacher blogs over the past year or two, all them so fabulously cute, informative, and so..."Pinterest"...for lack of a better word.  Some of these blogs are very focused in terms of its content, ranging from classroom organization and lesson plans to blogs dedicated to teacher wardrobes and outfit ideas.  I'm not confident that I could focus on just ONE aspect of teaching in this blog, so I'll just say now that I hope to make it a hodgepodge of teacher-related "stuff".  I hope to share the ups and downs of teaching high school, the hilarious anecdotes and student quotes that will inevitably follow, and whatever other teacher/education related things I find inspiring or hope to inspire with.

I am so looking forward to the personal and professional growth I will experience, and can't wait to meet my students!.  Here's to the first page of the next chapter.